Dehumidifiers: How They Work

The summer season tends to increase indoor humidity levels, which affects indoor air quality. Without dehumidification, indoor spaces become clammy and uncomfortable. This is why many homeowners need a dehumidifier for their home. In this blog, McMaster discusses dehumidifiers and how they work with heating and air conditioning systems.

Controlling Relative Indoor Humidity

Indoor humidity levels change depending on the season. Indoor spaces become humid during the summer and dry during winter. Without humidity control, indoor humidity levels in the summer season can above 55% relative to outdoor temperatures. Ideal comfortable humidity levels range between 45% and 55%, which can’t be achieved without aid from some method of humidity control.

While the cold air from air conditioning systems naturally removes moisture, indoor humidity levels can get so high that HVAC systems might not be able to keep up. This is where a dehumidifier becomes necessary. It removes moisture from the air until the air is at the desired humidity level.

How Dehumidifiers Work

A typical dehumidifier works like a fan, pulling moist air from the room and redistributing it as dry air. This cycle repeats until indoor humidity reaches 45% to 55%. The moisture taken from the air is collected in a container and later discarded. Humidity levels are measured using a device called a hygrometer. Standalone dehumidifiers are often sufficient for an average room, though they may have to be turned on and off manually. A built-in hygrometer makes it easy to keep an eye on the room’s humidity levels.

Why Invest in a Humidifier/Dehumidifier?

The bigger the building, the higher the humidity control needs will be. Investing in a humidifier/dehumidifier system provides year-round humidity control. It works with most HVAC systems and automates the process described earlier. In addition to reducing moisture in the air during the humid season, an integrated humidifier balances the dryness that winter brings by raising indoor humidity in controlled intervals.

McMaster is your leading provider of HVAC systems that may be eligible for SCE rebates for air conditioning systems. Give us a call at (949) 481-7995 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.